Balsam syrup
fruity flavored- sugar free
A mixture of standardized natural extracts of Thyme leaves, Guava leaves, Tilia flowers and Fennel oil with purified Honey.
Balsam Syrup contains the following natural extracts which provide an effedive and palatable taste compound:
1- Thyme leaves extract exerts cough sedative and mucolytic effects as. well as antimicrobial and deconqestant actions.fn addition it has a muscl relaxing effect that competes strong cough fits.
2- Guava leaves extract act as antitussive as it ha§. a mucolytic effect. It also has an antimicrobial and bactericidal effects.
3- Tllla flowerS~xtractprovides oough soo effett and relief of chest muscle spasm that comes with cough fits, In add~ion , it has a sweet fragrance and pleasant taste
4- Fennel 011 has an expectorant effect.
5- Purified honey exerts cough soothing effect, increases body immunity, general well being and activity and penmits easy breathing beside its sweetening effect
Balsam Syrup is used safely for children with non- cariogenic effect.
Side effects:
Balsam Syrup has no reported side effects as it is natural 100%. Consequently Balsam is considered with its natural contents a safe and effective treatment for all types of cough for children over 3 years old.
To improve Respiratory functions
Dosage & Administration:
• Children 3· to 6 years: Sml (one teaspoonful) 3 times daily .
• Children more than 6 years: 10m1 (213 tablespoonful) 3 times daily. Or as prescribed by the physician.
Not used for children under 3 years.
120 ml bottle.
Store at room temperature, away from the reach of children
produced by :
SIGMA pharmaceutical industries – S.A.E – EGYPT