Neomycin, Bacitracin
Topical Antibacterial Aerosol powder Spray
Composition :
Each 150 ml of Bivatracin aerosol powder contains:
Neomycin In the form of Neomycin Sulphate 165000 IU
Bacitracin in the form of Bacitracin Zinc 12500 lU
Aerosol Hydrocarbon to 15O ml
Action :
A wide range of antibacterial action is provided by the overlapping spectra of Neomycin and Badtracin. Bivatradn is used for topical treannent of most infections caused by gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. it is practically not absorbed, therefore it has no systemic action.
Indications :
– Pyodermia epidermal (impetigo group).
– Epidermocutaneous pyodermia (folliculitis}-primarily to prevent spread of infection.
– Superinfections of surface wounds and burns.
– Bacterial dermatopathies (ecthyma gangrenosum).
– Prevention of pyococcal supemtectrons In case of increased risk of their occurrence (herpes simplex, berpes roster, bites of insects).
– Inflammation of the external ear canal.
– For proph)1axis, Bivatracin is also used in surgery and otorhinolaryngology.
Contra-indications :
– Hypersensitivity to Neomycin, Bacitracin and other ingredients of this combination.
– Perforation of the eardrum at local application into ear canal.
Warnings :
Systemic absorption can occur following application 0ver ,large areas (> 20%) un wounds burns or ulcerations Since systemic absorption can occur through the skin, Bivatracin should be used cautiously in patients with renal
insufficiency as rt may increase the hazard of nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity.
bivatracin should be discontinued If any signs of skin irritation or hypersensitivity occur.
Special warnings :
Pregnancy and lactation:
– Bivatradn should be used during pregnanc;y and lactation only If dearly Indicated and should not be used over wide areas and for prolonged periods to prevent the risk of systemic absorption associated with topical use. – Aerosol container is under pressure, it contains a gas propellant – D0 not perforate or bum, even when empty.
– Bivatrecin should be kept out of reach of children.
– For external application only.
Drug Interactions :
None reported
Dosage and administration :
– Shake the aerosol container vigorously and spray the powder to the affected area once or several times daily from a distana> of 20 ID 25an.
– Do not iodine to an angle greater than 450•
– After use dean the valve by b.Jming the aerosol container
– Occasional agglomeration of powder In the valve can be deaned with a hypodermic needle no (1S-I7).
– Apply sparingly .
– Application of Bivatracln Spray should be limited to a maximum of one cans per day for not more than seven days.
– Apply the powder spray to the affected area as a thin layer once or several times daily.
Over dosage :
Systemic toxic effects (nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity) are unlikely to occur and may appear only after prolonged use of large doses CHer wkle areas of the affected skin.
Side effects :
Hypersensitivity reaction may occur, local skin irritation, swelling, itching, urticaria, contact dermatitis, super Infection have been reported.
Storage :
– Store Bivatracin Spray at a temperature below 25°C.
– Keep the mecHdne from freezing.
– Keep tne container away from dtrect heat sources.
– Keep out of reach of children.
Package :
Box containing a can spray of 150 mI aerosol powder and inner leaflet.
Produced by :
Manufactured By: ACDIMA International AIT