Mucoregulatory treatment
1 Capsule with sustained action contains : Ambroxol hydrochloride 75 mg.
Sml (= 1 teaspoonful) of syrup contain : Ambroxol hydrochloride 15mg.
1 rnl of solution contains : Ambroxol hydrochloride 7.5mg.
Ambroxol hydrochloride is a mucolytic agent which changes the structure of bronchial secretions by reduction and fragmentation of mucopolysaccharide leading to a reduced viscosity of mucus, thus expectoration is facilitated.
Experimental studies show a positive influence on the alveolar surfactant system. The substance has no depressant action on the respiratory tract and has no analgesic action, it has an only weak antitussive effect.
Ambroxol hydrochloride is well absorbed after oral administration. The onset of action is attained after about 30 minutes and lasts for 6 . 12 hours. AmbroxoJ hydrochloride is useful in the treatment of conditions of the respiratory tract associated with retention of mucoid secretions.
Acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory ways with pathological thickened mucus, such as in acute and chronic inflammations of the bronchial mucosa (bronchitis), asthma – like (asthmoid) bronchitis, bronchial asthma with
impaired secretory elimination, pathological dilatation of bronchi (bronchiectasis), as well as sup~ for dissol~g of mucus in inflammations of the rhinopharyngeal tract.
Unless otherwise prescribed by lhe physician:
Capsules with sustained action:
Adults take 1 capsule with sustained action once a day, unchewed, wilh some liquid.
Adults: at the beginning of the treatmenl, during 2 or 3 days, 10 ml (2 leaspoonful) 3 times daily followed by 5 ml
(1 teaspoonful) 3 times daily. Children: up 10 2 years 2.5 ml (t/21easpoonful) 2 times daily, 210 5 years 2.5 ml
(I/21easpoonful) 31imes daily, over 5 years 5 ml (lleaspoonful) 2-3 times daily.
At the beginning of the treatment – for two or three days – the dose for children can be doubled.
Adults: at the beginning of treatment, during 2 or 3 days, 4 ml solution 3 times daily, followed by 2 ml solution
3 times daily. Children: up to 2 years 1 rnl solution twice daily, 2 to 5 years 1 ml solution 3 times daily. over
5 years 2 ml solution 2-3 times daily. Al the beginning of lhe treatment – for two or lhree days -lhe dose for children can be doubled.
For Bronchopro liquid a small measuring cup is enclosed to help simplify the dose. Bronchopro liquid can be diluted wilh lea, juice or milk. Bronchopro should be taken after meals.
This drug is contraindicated in persons who have shown hypersensitivity to ambroxol or bromhexrne. Although embryotoxic effects have not been observed, Branchopro should not be used during the first three months of pregnancy.
Gastric discomforts, diarrhea or skin rashes may occur in rare cases. Bronchopro syrup and liquid contain benzylbenzoate; in patients with respective predisposition allergic reactions may occur.
Bronchopro syrup is free of alcohol (elhanol) and is also suited for diabelics. 5 ml of syrup correspond 10 1.2 g of carbohydrates.
not store above:Jtrc:7 Do no use a er exp ry date.
Capsules, Syrup and Liquid.
– Medicament is a product which affects your health, and its consumption contrary to instructions is dangerous lor you.
– Follow strictly the doctor’s prescription, the method of use and the instructions 01 the pharmacist who sold the medicament.
– The doctor and the pharmacist are experts In medicine. its benefits and risks.
– Do not by yourself interrupl the period of treatment prescribed for you.
– do not repeat the same prescription without consulting your doctor.
– Keep all medicines out of the reach of children.
Manufactured by:
October Pharma S.A.E.-6 October Ci1y – Egypt