Corasore heptaminol
For Hypotension
Composition :
• Each 1 m ral drops (= 25 drops) contains 150 mg heptaminol.
• Each tablet contains 150 mg heptaminol HCI.
Properties :
Heptaminol (Corasore=) is a cardiac stimulant (having a positive inotropic
action). It increases coronary blood flow with a slight peripheral vasoconstrictor properties and mild eNS. stimulant effect. Heptaminol has no cumulative action.
I ndications :
– Hypotension, fainting tendency and slight to moderately severe circulatory
– Asthenia, nervous and physical fatigue in general and sporting medicine.
– Adjuvant treatment of mild and moderate cases of heart failure particularly
incipient pulmonary edema.
– Heart failure associated with toxic, infectious, degenerative orarteriosclerotic
myocardial disease.
– Neonatal.asphyxia.
Contraindications :
There are no known contraindications to the use of heptaminol.
Precautions & Interactions :
– Hypertension
– Patients treated with theophylline derivatives.
Side Effects :
A mild tachycardia, palpitation, dizziness or gastric upsets may rarely occur.
Dosage & Administration :
– Infants & children under 12 years: 4-16 drops (25 -100 mg) depending on
age, 2 – 4 times daily, up to 6 times daily if necessary, or as directed by the physician
– Adults & children over 12 years: One tablet or 25 drops, (150 mg) 2-4 times daily, up to 6 times daily if necessary, or as directed by the physician.
How Supplied :
– Dropper bottle of 15 mL.
– Strips of 10 tablets in packs of 2. strips.
– Keep all medicaments aut of reach of children
Product of:
EI-Obour City, Cairo, Egypt.