film coated tablet
Composition :
Genurin” contains 200 mg flavoxate hydrochloride per film coated tablet.
Description :
Flavoxate hydrochloride is a synthetic compound developed and produced by RECORDATI. It exerts an antispasmodic action on the smooth muscles of the urogenital system. Genurir1′ is indicated for the relief of spastic conditions of the urogenital tract, especially for the more resistant and readily recurrent forms.
Indications :
– For symptomatic relief of dysuria, urgency, nocturia, supra pubic pain, frequency and incontinence in affections of the bladder and prostate such as cystitis, cystalgia , prostatitis, urethritis, urethrocystitis and urethrotrigonitis.
– As an adjuvant in the antispasmodic treatment of calculi of the kidney and ureter, urinary spastic disorders caused by catheterization, cystoscopy and the sequelae of surgery on the lower urinary tract.
– For the relief of spastic states in the female genital tract such as : pelvic algias, dysmenorrhea, uterine hypertonia and dyskin.esia.
Contraindications :
known hypersensitivity to the drug is a contraindication. The drug is also contraindicated in patients who have the following obstructive conditions: pyloric or duodenal obstruction, achalasia, obstructive intestinal lesions or ileus, gastrointestinal hemorrhage and obstructive uropathies of the lower urinary tract.
Warning :
In patients with concomitant infections of the urogenital tract, flavoxate hydrochloride should be administered in combination with appropriate anti – infective therapy.
The drug should be given cautiously to patients with glaucoma, especially in closed-angle forms. Patients who operate a motor vehicle or machinery or participate in activities where alertness is
required should be warned of the possible side effects, which are drowsiness, blurred vision, and vertigo.
Usage in pregnancy :
Animal studies have shown that the drug has no adverse effects on pregnancy and the fetus.
However, as with any other drug caution in its use is recommended in case of pregnancy, especially during the first three months.
Usage in children :
Flavoxate hydrochloride is not recommended for use in infants and children under 12 years of age since the therapeutic value and safety of this drug have not yet been determined in patients in this age group.
Adverse reactions :
Adverse effects have rarely been reported and include: nausea and vomiting (which usually do not occur when the drug is taken on a full stomach), dryness of mouth, vertigo, headache and drowsiness (which usually disappears when doses are reduced or given at wide Intervals). Emotional instability, visual and accommodation disturbances, increased ocular tension, urticaria and other dermatoses. Mental confusion especially in the elderly patient, dysuria, tachycardia, fever, eosinophilia and at high doses constipation.
Dosage and administration :
One tablet of GENURIN three or four times a day. at regular intervals.
Presentation :
GENURIN” 200 mg tablets in boxes of 30.
Manufactured by :
Medical Union Pharmaceuticals.
Abu-Sultan, Ismailia, Egypt.
Under Licence from RECORDATI -Italy.