LONGICEF is a semisynthetic Cephalosporin antibiotic for oral administration.
LONGICEF is highly stable in the presence of beta – lactamase enzymes.
LONGICEF has been shown to be active against most
strains of the following organisms:
– Gram-positive organisms. Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogens.
– Gram-negative. Escherichia coli. Klebsiella pneumoniae, Haemophilus
influenza, Salmonella & Shigella species.
Indications & Usage:
LONGICEF is indicated in the treatment of acute bronchitis, otitis media, pneumonia, lung abscess, skin and soft tissue infections & urogenital infections like pyelitis, pyelonephritis, vulvovaginitis … etc.
Side Effects:
Side effects are mild & transient, those reported include:
– Gastrointestinal events: diarrhea, nausea & vomiting.
– Hypersensitivity reactions: skin rash, urticaria.
– Transient elevation in serum transaminases.
– With prolonged use of LONGICEF, monilia vaginitis and rarely pseudomembranous colitis may occur.
History or suspected hypersensitivity to cephalosporins. In patients hypersensitive to penicillins (cross allergy). Longicef should be used with caution in person with history of severe allergies or asthma.
Warnings & Precautions :
– Careful inquiry should be made for previous hypersensitivity reactions to Cephalosporins, Penicillins or other drugs.
– Prolonged use of an anti-infective may result in overgrowth of non-susceptible organisms e.g. fungi as candida.
– LONGICEF should be prescribed with caution to individuals with a history of gastrointestinal diseases particularly colitis.
– Safety for use during pregnancy has not yet been established.
– Symptoms of vitamin K deficiency( hernorrhage) or vitamin B deficiency (stomatitis, glossitis, neuritis, anorexia, etc … ) can occur with prolonged treatment with LONGICEF.
Drug interactions:
– Treatment with Longicef in combination with arninoglycoside antibiotics, polymtxin B or high dose loop diuretics should be avoided since such combinations can potentiate the nephrotoxic effects.
– Frequent check on coagulation parameters are necessary when cephalosporins (high doses) are given with anticoagulants to avoidhemorrhagic complications.
– Longicef may attenuate the effect of oral contraceptives
Dosage & Administration: (Orally)
It is better to take LONGICEF with food.
– LONGICEF Capsules Soo mg/capsule Adults & Children over 12 years: 1-2 capsules twice daily. Children over 6 years: 1 capsule twice daily.
– LONGICEF Suspension 125 mg/Sml Children below 1 year: 25 mg I kg daily in 2 divided doses. Children 1 – 6 years: 2 teaspoonfuls twice daily
– LONGICEF Suspension 2S0 mg/Sml Children 1 – 6 years: 1 teaspoonful twice daily. Children over 6 years: 2 teaspoonfuls twice daiJy.
LONGICEF 125 mg & 250 mg suspension To make up to 60 ml, first invert bottle &shake powder loose, then add 40 ml of boiled cooled water in 2 portions.
shaking after each addition until a homogenous suspension is achieved .Shake well before use.
LONGICEF capsules. each capsule contains 500mg cefadroxil.
LONGICEF granules for oral suspension 125 mg/ Sml.
LONGICEF granules for oral suspension 250 mgi5ml .
After reconstitution of contents according to label.
After reconstitution refrigerate for 14 days, discard after 14 days.
– Plastic container contains 33 gm granules (constituted to 60 ml with water).
– Boxes of 8 capsules (J strip x 8 capsules).
LONGICEF capsules: Store at ( 15 – 25· C ). away from light & humidity.
LONGICEF granules .Store atatcmperature not exceeding + 30·C, protected from light & humidity.
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