Infantile Suppositories
Theophylline ethanoate of piperazine 125 mg
Composition :
Each suppository contains :
Theophylline ethanoale of piperazine 125 mg
Equivalent to Theophylline 40 mg
Properties :
Theophylline is a bronchodilator by relaxing bronchial smooth muscle, oppose the effects of many broncho constrictor mediators
and also relaxes smooth muscle In the urinary & biliary ways
Central sbmulant Analeptic respcratory Psychostimulant The absorption by the rectal roote less regular and more slow
Theophylline half life is very long In the premature and rusliog -18 – 30 hours short in the infant (30 months-9 years old) 3 – 4 hours
The half life slow down till 16 years old to reach the same values of the adun: 5 – 6 hours. Theophylline pass 10 the foetus placenta
Indications & Usage :
minophylline suppositories is indicated for the sympathomimetic treatment of bronchospasms associated with such conditions as bronchial asthma , chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema
Contra indicetions :
HypersensitivIty to Theophylline
Side Effects :
variable from one subject to the other, essentially: nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain,Cephalalgla .exciteuon. insomnia, tachycardia.
The side effects may be the first sign of overdosage The appearance of the convulsions is the sign of confirmed poisoning, but can be the first sign of it • notably at the child.
To be used with big prudence at the young child.
An overdose can result from inappropriate doses, of repeated administratioo in a too short intervals, or by pctennauzeucn
with associated medicines Because of the big interpersonal variations of the metabolism of the Theophylline. it is necessary 10 adapt the doses according to the undesirable reactions and/or of the blood rates
Drug Interactions :
Don’t use the association of troleandomycine which can provoke a risk of overdosage. It is agreed to be used prudently with Erythromycin that can increase the blood concentration of the Theophylline This risk remained 10 value in the case of the other macrolides.
Warnings & Precautions :
– Active peptic ulcer disease
– Seizure disorders
– Cardiac arrhythmias ( not including bradyarrhythmias)
– Patients with migraine headaches may expenence an increased frequency of headaches.
– Patients with congestive heart failure, cor pulmonale, prolonged fever ,hypothyroidism, liver disease, sepsis with multiorgan failure,and shock may require reduced theophylline dosage
– Concomitant medication use which results in reduced theophylline clearance.
Pregnancy and lactation :
In case of administration af the drug in the end of pregnancy, possibility of tachycerdia, and of hyperexcitability in neonates.
Dosage & Administration :
As directed by the physician or as follows : infants one infantile suppository 2 or 3 times daily
It must be an interval 6 hours between the administration and the next one don’t exceed 3 suppositories per day.
Packing :
Carton box contains (white PVC , polyethylene) strips of 5 supposilories and an inner pamphlet.
Storage :
store at atemperature between 15 – 30· C
Produced by :
alexandria co for pharmaceuticals and chemical industeies alex – egypt