Neurorubine Ampoules
Neurorubine – Forte Lactab
High potency neurotropic and analgesic
vitamins B1 + B6 + B12
Composition :
Each ampoule contains:
Vitamin Bl (USP) 200 mg
Vitamin B6 (USP) 50 mg
Vitamin B12 (USP) 1000 mcg
Lidocaine HC! 10 mg
Each Lactab contains:
Vitamin Bl (USP) 200 mg
Vitamin B6 (USP) 50mg
Vitamin B12 (USP) 1000 meg
Properties and effects :
Neurorubine combines in high doses three vitamins which are indispensable in
the nervous system. Thiamin (Vitamin Bl) plays an important role as a co-enzyme in several metabolic pathways of carbohy- drates alcohol and aminoacids. Neurons require chemical respiratory activities to produce energy and proper structure of neurons maintenance derived from the oxidation of carbohydrate mostly. This lm- portant and essential role of thiamin in the
breakdown of carbohydrate proved how its deficiency feads to a biochemical neu- ronal damage. In chronic or acute cases of deficiency of thiamin it is possible to observe neuropatic clinical syndrome, a wide range from Beriberi through Wer· nicke’s encepha-Iopathy, Korsakoff’s dis- ease up to alcoholic polyneuropathy. Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) acts into the ami- noacid. carbohydrate and fat metabolisms and it is also required for hemoglobin pro- duction. Pyridoxine deficiency due to inad- equate dietary intake, absorption interfer- ence or drug interactions, leads to peripheral neuritis in adults and pyridox- ine’s deficiency can affect the CNS devel- opment in children.
Cobalamin (Vitamin B 12) as all other vita- mins, is essential for the proper cellular bi- ochemical functions. Vitamin B12 main functions are the cellular replication and growth. Vitamin B12 deficiency is clinically recognized by the negative clinical impact in both nervous and hematopoietic sys- tems. In the first case it can be seen pro- gressive damage of the nervous system like swelling of myelinated neurons, de- myelinization, degeneration of spinal cord
and cerebral cortex. This causes a broad range of neurological signs and symptoms like paresthesia, diminished sensation of vibration and position, reluctant unsteadi- ness, depressed tendon reflexes, loss of memory, confusion moodiness and loss of central vision (retinopathy), delusions, hal- lucinations or even psychosis. There are different mechanisms of action for B-vitamins in the pain process. These B-vitamins are co-enzymes in several metabolic pathways in the nervous system They play an important role in inflammato-
ry and edematous neuronal processes; impaired axons impulse transmission; ab- normal high excitability of neurons in peri- pheral and central nervous system; syn- thesis of inhibitory neurotransmitters There are several clinical experiences and experimental evidences on the therapeutic use of the pharmaceutical combination of these three B-vitamins to revert neuralgi syndromes and the interference in the’ genesis of compressive. rheumatic and
degenerative pains.
Indications :
. Diabetic polyneuropathies.
. Neuralgic pain of varying origin (trigeminal neuralgia. intercostal neural-
gia. sciatalgia. herpes zoster)
. Acute or chronic neuritis and polyneuritis.
. Optic neuritis.
. Toxic damage to the nerve tissue (alcoholism and drugs. chemical or physical intoxications)
. Neuromuscular pain. tremors. cramps.
. Rheumatic pain.
. Coadjuvant in the treatment of migrain or peripheral vascular disorders.
. Asthenia. convalescence and major sur- gery procedures.
. Neurological consequences of multiple sclerosis and different types of anaemias.
Recommended dosage :
The dosage should be adapted to individ- ual patients. Severe Cases: At the beginning of treat- ment and until the pain disappears. one ampoule every day or every second day by intramuscular injection. Subsequently, one ampoule once or twice a week. Standard treatment: One ampoule once or twice a week.
The dosage should be adapted to each individual case: 1 -3 Lactab daily.
Severe cases: Treatment to be com- menced with 4 Lactab daily until the pain
Drug Interaction :
The effect of levodopa is diminished by vi- tamin 86.
Pregnancy. lactation :
Neurorubine-Forte may be taken during pregnancy and lactation. Controlled stud- ies in women have shown no risks to the foetus during the first trimester; there is no evidence suggesting a risk in the course of the remaining trimesters.
Contraindications :
Neurorubine is contra-indicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to vitamin 81. 86. or 812
Technique of Injection :
The intramuscular injection should be made preferably in the upper and outer
portion of the gluteal muscle. If properly administered, the injection is painless.
Presentations :
Neurorubine I!> Ampoules
Packings of 3 ampoules of 1 ml Neurorubine I!> – Forte Lactab I!>
Packings of 20 lactab
Manufactured by :
Medical Union Pharmaceuticals
Under Supervision of Mepha Ltd, Basel, Switzerland
Alepha Pharma Egypt S.A.E.