Orchatears plus
eye drops , lubricant
Presentation and Composition:
Dropper bottle of 15 ml,
each ml contains: Polyvidone 50 mg (mean n Jecularrnass 29000), preserved
with Benzalkonium chloride 0.05 mg.
The composition of Orchatears plus® eye drops, containing the active compound polyvidone and also the electrolytes magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium, is very similar to natural tears. After topical application, Orchatears plus® eye drops spreads rapidly over the conjunctiva and cornea forming a lubricating and protective film.
Symptomatic treatment of dry eye conditions including Kerato-conjunctivitis
sicca ( as a tear fluid substitute in case of unstable tear film or insufficient
moistening of the eye surface).
Dose and-Administration:
One drop 4 times daily or as required, (depending upon the severity of the
disease) to be instilled into the conjunctival sac.
Patients with known hypersensitivity to one.of the components of the eye drops
(e.g. preservative).
a) General
Patients who experience blurred vision after application of Orchatears plus®
eye drops should not drive or use machinery until their vision has-cleared.
b) Interactions
None known.
c) Pregnancy and Lactation
There is no experience regarding the safety of Orchatears plus® eye drops
in human pregnancy or lactation. Administration during pregnancy and lactation is therefore not recommended except for compelling reasons.
d) Overdose
Not known and not likely.
Adverse Reactions:
Occasionally mild, transient burning or sticky sensation and very rarely irritation or hypersensitivity reactions.
Additional Information:
Clinical Comments:
Orchatears plus® eye drops contains i) polyvidone (polyvinyl pyrollidone)
which is a well-established artificial tear substitute with mucomimetic properties and ii) electrolytes similar to natural tears. The latter contributes to enhanced performance in the treatment of dry eyes since electrolytes can play an important role in the efficacy of artificial tear substitutes.
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