local vasoconstrictor for nasal decongstion
composition :
Otrivin is nasal decongestant that quickly clears blocked noses.
the moiaturisng formula also contains soothing ingredients that help prevent dryness and irritation of the nasal passages.
Otrivin is avaiable In two forms: Otrivin 0.1% for children over 6
years and adults, and Otrivin 0.05% (children’s formula) for Infants
and small children.
Otrivin 0.1% comes in one form: Nasal Drops (In. bottle with pipette ) the content of the packs is 15ml.
Otrivin 0.05% comes in one form: Nasal Drops (in abottle With pipette)
Otrivin 0.l% (moisturising formula)contains 1 mg/mI 0f xyIometazoline hydrochloride as active ingredieol It also contains benzalkonium chloride, disodum edetate, sodium phosphate buffer. sodium chloride, sorbitol, methylhydroxypropylcellolose and purified water.
Otrivin 0.05 (moisturising formula) contains O.5 mg/ml of xyIometazoline hydrochloride as active ingredient 11 also contains benzalkonium chloride, disodium edetate, sodium phosphate buffer, sodium chloride, sorbitol, methylhydroxypropylcellulOse and purified water.
properties / Effects :
xylometazoline belongs t0 the group 0f the arylalkyt imidazolines.
Otrivin, which is intended for use in the nose, constricts the nasal blood vessels thereby decongesting the mucosa of the nose and
neighbouring regions of the pharynx.
the effect of Otrivin sets in within afew minutes and persists for
several hours Otrivin is well tolerated ,also by patients with sensitive
mucous membranes, and does not impair function of the ciliated
epithelium. Otrivin is unlikely to cause reactive hyperaemta.
phamacokinetice :
following local application, the plasma concentration of xyIometazoline is so low that datection is not possible using currently available analytical methods
Indications / Scope of Use :
colds of various types
to aid drainage of secretions in affections 0f the paranasal sinuses.
in otitis media, as an adjuvant to decongest the nasophalyngeal
mucosa tofacilitate rhinoscopy
Dosage/Use :
Otrivin 0.05% Nasal Drops: For infants and children up to 6 years 0f age (with adult supervisal).
1 or 2 drops of the solution Into each nostril once or twice daily (every 8 to 10 hours) are generalty sufficient; do not exceed a total of 3 applications daily into each nostril
Otrivin 0.1% Nasal Drops For adIAts and children 0ver 6 years of age. 3 to 4 times daily: 2 or 3 drops of the solution into each nostril.
General Note :
once the pack has been opened, the contents should be used for 1
month only.
Restrictions on Use :
Contra indications :
like other vasoconstrictors, Otrivin should not be employed in Status post transsphenoidal hypophysectomy (or after transnsnasal or transoral surgical interventions in which the dura mater has been exposed).nor should it be used by patients known to ee hypefMnsitive to substances contained in il.
Precautions :
Otrivin, like all other preparations belonging 10 the same class of active substances, should be used only with caution in patients showing 8 strong faflction to sympathomimetic agents, as evidenced by signs ot insomnia, dizziness, etc. As in the case 01 other local vasoconSbictors. Otrivin should not be employed uninterruptedly over prolonged periods, 8.g. in chronic colds
Check with your doctor or pharmacist before using Otrivin if :
– you have high blood pressure, heart disease, cvereceve thyroid,
glaucoma or diabetes .
– you are taking an antidepressant medicine.
– If any of the above apply. do not use Otrivin before talking to your
doctor or pharmacist.
– Do not use lor more than 10 days to avoid congestion.
Pregnancy I Lactation :
Pregnancy category C
In view 01 its vasoconstricting properties women should take care not to
use Otrivin during pregnancy.
During lactation Ottivin should only be used under medical supervision.
Unwanted Effects :
The following side ertecte have occasionally been encountered: a
burning sensation In the nose and throat, local Irritation, nausea,
headache, and dryness of the nasal mucosa.
Interactions :
No interactions have yel come 10 our notice.
Missed doses :
If you mrss a dose and you remember within one hour or se. of the
missed close, use it right away. However if you cIo not remember until later, skip the missed close and go back 10 your r&gular dosing
schedule. Do rot double closes.
Overdosage :
No cases of overclosage in adults have yet been reported.
In rare instances 01 accidantal poisoning in children, the clinical picture has been marked chiefly by signs such as acceleration and irregularity of lhe pulse, elevated blood pressur, and sometimes clouding of consciousness. Symptomatic treatment under medical supervision is indicated.
Storage :
Protect lrom heat (store below 3O”C)
Packs :
Nasal drops (0.05%): 15 ml
Nasal drops (0.1 %): 15 ml
Medicines should be kept out 01 the reach of children.
The product should be used only up to the date indicaled by “Exp· on the pack.
Produced by :
under licence from Novartis Consumer Health SA, Nyon, Switzerland.