Spasmo- Canulase
For combined therapy of meteorism, irritable colon, dyspepsia and digestive disorders.
Composition :
Each bitab contains:
Methixene hydrochloride 1 mg
Dimethylpolysiloxane 40 mg
Cellulase 300 u
pepsin ph. H. V 100 mg
Glutamic acid hydrochloride 50 mg
Pancreatin ph.H.V. 100 mg
Sodium dehydrocholate 10 mg
Methixene hydrochloride :
A new synthetic parasympatholytic, Methixene hydrochloride has a pronouced inhibitory action on intestinal hypermotility even in doses free from side·effects. Its therapeutic ratio is 4 . 20 times higher than that of atropine. An effect on gastric acidity has not been noted following the administration of therapeutically active doses.
Dimethylpolysiloxane :
Dimethylpolysiloxane screens off the gastric mucous membrane by forming a film over it. It also exerts a powerful deforming effect by alerting the surface tension of gas bubbles. Owing to these physical properties dimethylpolysiloxane has found a ready use in therapy. It breaks up immovable, gas· laden cushions of foam lodged in the intestine and checks accumulation of gas and the disorders associated with it.
Digestive enzymes :
The action of Methixene and dimethylpolysiloxane are aided and enhancedby the other active ingredients: Cellulase, pepsin, Glutamic acid hydrochloride,Pancreatin and sodium dehydrocholate. Cellulase brings about an early breakdown of cellulose and thus reduces the amount of substrate available for bacterial- fermentative gas formation in the colon. Pepsin and glutamic acid hydrochloride facilitate protein digestion in the stomach and help to create the acid milieu necessary for it.
Pancreatin and sodium dehydrocholate stimulate digestion in the doudenum and in the upper segments of the small intestine.
Indications :
Meteorism and all diorders caused by it. Irritable colon with or without intestinal spasm, and all symptoms associated with this form of motility disorder, e.g. diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, anorexia. Dysposia, digestive disorders, intestinal dysfunction, and all attendant disturbances.
Precautions :
– Protect from moisture and heat.
– Keep out of reach of children .
– Dispensed and repeated only under medical supervision.
Dosage :
Two bitabs just before meals for 2 weeks,followed by a maintenance dose of one
bitab three times daily for 4 weeks.
Packages :
Bitabs : Packs of 30.
Produced by :
under licence from
Novartis Consumer Health SA,
Nyon, Switzerland.