Tablets & Dry Suspension
Each tablet contains
Diiodohydroxyquinollne 200 mg
Pnthalyl sulfathiazole 200 mg
Streptomycin sulfate 100 mg
Homatropine methylbromide 2.5 mg
Each 5 rnl of the suspension contains :
Diiodohydroxyqinotine 100 mg
Phthalyl sulfathiazote 150 mg
Streptomycin sulfate 85 mg
Homatropine methyl bromide 0.5 mg
Streptoquin combines the effect of its 4 components :
Diiodohydroxyquinoline is an antimicrobial agent. which acts principally in the bowel lumen for the treatment of diarrhea and intestinal amebiasis, particularty for cyst passers.Streptomycin sulfate is poorly absorbed from the gastro-intestinal tract and may be of value in the treatment of diarrhea caused by E. coli, Proteus vulgaris and other susceptible organisms. Homatropine methyl bromide is a quaternary ammonium anti muscarinic agent with antispasmodic action on intestinal smooth muscles.
1- Chronic Intestinal amebiasis
2- Bacillary dysentery
3- Diarrnea caused by other intestinal infections and associated with intestinal colic.
Contra indications:
Streptoquin is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to sutfonamides.
Side effects :
Gastro-intestinal symptoms, headache and allergic skin reactions rnay occur rarely.
Reconstitution of the Suspension:
Add distilled, or ( previously boiled then cooled) water, to the bottle mark, in two portions. Shake the bottle after each addition.
Important Remark :
Streptoquin suspension is stable and can be used for 14 days afterreconstitution when kept in a refrigerator, or for 7 days, when kept at room temperature.
Tablets: 1-2 tablets three times daily or as directed by the physician.
Reconstituted Suspension:
– Children from 1-2 years One teaspoonful 3 times da ily 2-5 years One teaspoonful 4 times da iy
5-12 years tow teaspoonful 4 times da iy
Or as directed by the physician.
– The product should be avoided if the patient is hypersensitive to iodine or with impaired liver function .
– Its use is best avoided in patients with neur060gical disorders.
– Ushoukt be used cautiouslyfor thyroid patients. Patients reQuuing thyroid function tests, should infoml their physician thal they are taking this medicine, soce Oiiodoquin may Interfere WIth delerminations of prolein-bound iodine forup to 6 months •
– The product should rot be used fa lTIOfe than 10 consecutive days Oiiodoquin may cause myIeo-opticoneuropalhy in some patients, especialtywhen used fof a long period.
– Children may be more likely 10 develop certain side effects espedally if given at high doses for long lime.
– If the patient suffers from blurred vision or any visual disturbance, he should lell the cfoctorwho may advise him not to drive mecaro-ccerate a machine that requires sharp vision.
Tablets: Store below 300 C., Protect from moisture and light.
Suspension: Store in a dry~, at a te perature nO\ exceechng 30°C., Keep out ef reach of children.
How supplied:
– Box contains 1 strip of 10 tablets.
– Box contains 2 strips of 10 tablets.
– Bottle of dry powder, forms 60 rnl of the suspension after reconstitution.
Product of :
Medical union pharmaceuticals
abu sultan ismailia . egypt