supravit capsule
Essential Vitamins & Minerals
Each capsule contains:
vit A (palmitate) 2000i.u.
Vit.D3 200i.u.
Dl-Alpha Tocopherol acetate lOmg
Vit.B1 15mg
Vit.B2 3mg
Vit.B6 2mg
Vit.Bl2 5mg
Biotin 3mg
Calcium D- pantothenate 3mg
Ascorbic acid 50mg
Folic acid 25mg
Nicotinamide 15mg
Para amino benzoic acid 50mg
l-lysine HCL 20mg
Rutin 10mg
Iron 10mg
Potassium 2mg
Copper 1mg
Zinc 1mg
Manganese 1mg
Calcium 50mg
Pollen extract 16.6mg
Ieq. to pollen grains 50mg
Supravit is a well balanced multivitamin mineral formula and nutrient supplement containing adequate amounts of vitamins.minerals and other essential amino acids necessary to keep normal activity of the body.
• Biotin is an essential coenzvme.in fat metabolism and other carboxylation reactions
• Vit. B 12, Folic acid, Manganese and copper are necessary with iron for the synthesis of blood haemoglobin.
. In addition to vitamin B complex. there are vitamins A,D,C which are essential for health and vitality Certain essential Amino acids and minerals are included for normal metabolic functions
Supravit is indicated in all vitamin and mineral deficiency states due to increased demand or inadequate intake.
Precautions :
Multivitamin preparations.are net.intended for.treatment.butrather as supplements to treatment long-term intake of high levels of vitamin A (excluding that sourced from beta-carotene) may increase the risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Do not take this product if taking other vitamin A supplements. There have been a number of cases of anaphylactoid reactions and acute severe exacerbations of asthma in atopic individuals who took pollens. Patient who falls into this category should be under medical supervision.
Known hypersensitivity to any of the active ingredients Pregnant)’ and lactation: As with any supplem.ent.jt,.)()lJ ar akinQ..i-pr…escription medication or if u are re nant or nursing a baby. contact your physician before using this product.
Undesirable effects:
The product is very well tolerated in recommended doses because it supplies the normal daily requirements of its ingredients. Some rare conditions of GIT disturbances or skin reactions may appear especially when taken with other vitamins, iron preparation or in cases of hypersensitivity
Unless otherwise prescribed, the usual dose is one capsule daily or Mry other day after breakfast. In severe cases. doses could be increased according to the physician’S advice.
Store below 25°C. Protect from humidity Et: heat sources.
package :
Boxes of 14 or 28 Capsules
Manufactured by:
GlaxoSmithKline S.A.E.,
El Salam City,Cairo, A. R. E .
• GlaxoSmithKline